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  • Brit Hotel Cherbourg
    Brit Hotel Cherbourg

Tourism & Activities
in Cherbourg

Are you looking for activities and places to visit during your stay at our hotel in Cherbourg? Discover our suggestions for unforgettable moments near the Brit Hotel Cherbourg!

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Your hotel in Cherbourg

The Brit Hotel Cherbourg has 32 rooms and is close to many of the tourist attractions for which the Normandy region is famous. Our hotel in Cherbourg is the ideal base for exploring Cherbourg town centre, just 5 minutes away by car, or the Cité de la Mer, just 10 minutes away by car. Our hotel in Cherbourg will undoubtedly be the perfect base for an unforgettable stay in Normandy!

What to do in Cherbourg ?

Start your visit to Cherbourg with a stroll along the marina, where you can delve into the town's maritime past with a visit to the Cité de la Mer, a fascinating museum dedicated to underwater exploration and marine life. Don't miss a visit to the Thomas Henry Museum of Fine Art, which houses over three hundred works ranging from the Middle Ages to contemporary art.

Among the must-see sites in Châteaubourg town centre, don't miss the Sainte-Trinité basilica, a Gothic edifice that dominates the town's skyline, or the Emmanuel Liais botanical garden, ideal for a relaxing break in the heart of the town. Finally, be sure to stop off at one of the town's many restaurants during your stay in Cherbourg, where you can sample regional specialities such as fresh seafood, local cider and the famous Camembert cheese!

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Enjoy the comfort of our 2, 3 or 4 star hotels throughout France

Activities around the hotel

Apart from visiting the city centre, what else is there to do in Cherbourg during a stay at the Brit Hotel Cherbourg? The Normandy region offers plenty of places to explore during your weekends in Cherbourg!

Near your hotel in Cherbourg, you'll find the charming coastal village of Barfleur, renowned for its harbour and the Gatteville lighthouse, which offers breathtaking views of the English Channel.

Continuing along the coast, you'll find the charming seaside resort of Urville-Nacqueville, where you can stroll along the golden sandy beaches, as well as the magnificent Château de Nacqueville and its English park. 

Finally, plunge into the past and discover captivating exhibitions on the Second World War by visiting the memorial located in Quinéville, just 30 minutes' drive from your hotel in Cherbourg.

So don't hesitate any longer, book now at the Brit Hotel Cherbourg for your stay in Cherbourg!

Activities in Cherbourg

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Abbaye du Voeu

Abbaye du Voeu

Visit the remains of one of the most beautiful abbeys on the English channel.

Rue de l Abbaye, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
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Chalutier Jacques Louise / Musée de la Mer

Chalutier Jacques Louise / Musée de la Mer

This typical fishing boat is a classified monument historique and the museum often organizes screening sessions and exhibitions dedicated to the marine world.

Bassin du Commerce, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
06 14 40 85 31
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La Rade de Cherbourg

La Rade de Cherbourg

Take a bowl of fresh air at the Cherbourg Harbour. The construction of this 4 kilometer long pier started in 1782.

Digue du Homet, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
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Casino de l'Amirauté

Casino de l'Amirauté

Play blackjack, poker and roulette at Casino de l'Amirauté !

18 Quai Alexandre III, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
02 33 43 00 56
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Musée d'Art Thomas Henry

Musée d'Art Thomas Henry

A collection of no less than 300 art pieces from the 15th to the 19th century are displayed in this museum.

Le Quasar Esplanade de la Laïcité, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
02 33 23 39 30
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Falaise de la Fauconière and La Roche qui Pend are great sites for climbing. Over 50 climbing tracks are available.

Rue de la Roche Qui Pend, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
02 33 93 59 96
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Bowling Chantereyne

Bowling Chantereyne

Have fun with your family or friends at the bowling of Chantereyne, located on Cherbourg's marina.

Port de Plaisance Chantereyne, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
02 33 78 17 20
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Cité de la Mer

Cité de la Mer

The Cité de la Mer is a must see during your stay in Cherbourg. Embark on a fun adventure in the seabed . The cité de la Mer as the deepest abyss aquarium (11 meter high) and 16 other thematic aquariums. You can also visit the submarine named Le redoutable, launched in 1967 by Charles de Gaulle and enjoy several activities.

Allée du Président Menut, 50100 Cherbourg
02 33 20 26 69
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Centre Aquatique

Centre Aquatique

Relax or workout in this fully equipped aquatic center, where you'll get to enjoy: a pool, a jacuzzi, a hamam, a solarium...

Rue du Général De Gaulle, 50120 Equeurdreville - Hainneville
02 33 01 86 20
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Ecole de voile et vent

Ecole de voile et vent

Try various nautical activities and enjoyr Chergourg's littoral zone.

Espace Loisirs de Collignon, 50110 Tourlaville
02 33 44 67 84
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Musée de la Libération

Musée de la Libération

117 meter above the sea, the Musée de la Libération shows how the Cherbourg harbour played a major role in 1944 (Cherbourg was the first European harbour to be liberated). You'll learn moire about how civilans and military lived at this time. End your visit with a sumtuous panorama on Cherbourg's pier.

Fort du Roule - Montée des Résistants, 50100 Cherbourg-Octeville
02 33 20 14 12
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Le château des Ravalets

Le château des Ravalets

Discover this magnificent catsles and its 17 hectares french gardens.

rue du Château des Ravalets, 50110 Tourlaville
02 33 22 01 35

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